Charleston Charleston was the home and country meeting place for the writers, painters and intellectuals of the Bloomsbury group (many artists and writers including Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell lived ...
'Sticker Yourself' Book Design Wheel was approached to firstly design jackets for this series of books, the jackets were a success with the publisher, so we were asked to design ...
House of Illustration The House of Illustration is a public art gallery in Granary Square in London devoted to illustration. It was opened in 2014 and was founded by Sir ...
Cards for Positivity box set These positivity cards and their accompanying book are designed to help you break free from negative thought patterns. Choose a card at random, or read ...
Historic Sussex Hotels Spa Branding Historic Sussex Hotels is a group of three privately owned luxury hotels located in Sussex. Two of the hotels, Ockenden Manor and Bailiffscourt, each have ...
Powell Craft Powell Craft are wholesalers of traditional handmade nursery accessories, children’s wear, ladies nightwear and scented gifts, and most of their products have a vintage feel. We were asked ...
BCPfE Branding Brighton City Partnership for Education provides support, advice and information to families within their group of 13 member schools in Brighton. BCPfE approached Wheel to create a new ...